We offer Introduction Courses, and a day long Masterclass and some Fun Events specifically for women with ovarian systems. We also have Bitesize offerings that last 2.5 hours each. These can be purchased as a standalone or we can deliver more than one, e.g. one a week for 4 weeks or two together for a full day.​
Information sessions for local interest groups, community groups and workplaces can also be accommodated. Each session can be tailored to fit a certain group. We are happy to be led by you and your audience's requirements.
What is Menopause?
This information session covers the fundamentals of menopause. We look at peri-menopause, what happens to the body before Menopause, the effects of the early dips in hormones and the possible myriad of symptoms that might happen, as well as, what menopause actually is.
We will explain what happens to the body, brain, heart and bone health. Cover the physical, mental, behavioural and social aspects in preparation for what to expect during this time. Look at lifestyle choices and how these can impact health. How what we eat and drink and how we exercise can make a difference to managing our symptoms.
We will touch on Complimentary and Alternative therapies and also HRT . This session will arm you with information and knowledge, give a greater understanding, enabling you to better advocate on your own behalf to improve your health and wellbeing!
Bite Size- 2.5 hours
Managing the Symptoms of Menopause
In this session we look in a bit more detail at symptoms, what to look out for with regards to physical, mental, emotional and social aspects. Often symptoms can creep up on us gradually, we sometimes don't even notice and don't identify with others who may be experiencing onset.
All of a sudden your legs are feeling heavy, you've been tired more than usual, sex is starting to be come a wee bit uncomfortable and you're running to the loo more often.
I've heard it said..." it doesn't seem to be affecting me much", then lo and behold a bit further down the road, (remember depleting hormones don't suddenly regenerate), those pesky niggles add up.
This is a life-long process and you will need to be aware, the body is aging therefore, taking measures can prepare us to lead a longer healthier life. You might not get away symptom free forever!
In this session we explore symptoms, even some of the bizarre ones, and also the myths around menopause and look at how we can combat them for better health.
Bite Size- 2.5 hours
The Psychology of Midlife
How will the run up to menopause affect you psychologically and emotionally? From your late 30's into your 40's you may well experience changes to your emotions and mood. This is a result of depleting estrogen affecting the chemicals in the brain.
Your confidence might be starting to dip, you might question your worth and value. You might even find difficulty in managing your emotions; feeling emptiness which can happen when your kids begin to 'flee the nest'. You may struggle to excited, your enthusiasm may wane, you may become less sociable.
Brain Fog may starts to kick in and you may become more forgetful than usual. You may also experience tearfulness, hopelessness or anger as depleting hormones take effect.
These symptoms, heading to the onset of menopause (peri-menopause) can be confusing and can begin up to 10 years before. Emotions can swing one way then another. Having a greater understanding of what's going on in your brain chemistry is vital at this time.
Don't let your relationships suffer and also don't allow yourself to suffer in silence. It makes such a difference when you know why your moods are low and why you may be feeling like this.
Gaining an insight really helps you to put things into perspective and allows you to put measures in place to alleviate these symptoms. Having a greater understanding makes it easier all round!
This session is a must for everyone looking to maintain a positive healthy mindset into midlife and beyond.
Bite Size- 2.5 hours
Good Gut Health in Menopause
Put your hormones in the drivers seat - becoming more aware of what you eat has an impact in the fueling of your body and brain.
Hormones are fundamental chemical messengers in our bodies, influencing behaviour, emotions, brain chemicals and the immune system. How our body changes food into energy is important. Hormone balance can impact almost every cell in the body.
To maintain optimal health, this session will focus on the balance of multiple hormones together, viewing hormone health holistically.
We will concentrate on four key hormones: cortisol, estrogen, insulin and thyroid, which significantly affect our brains, bodies, weight, and stress levels during menopause. The gut microbiome also affects the body from the moment you are born as this controls the digestion of food. It affects our immune systems, central nervous systems and other bodily processes, including producing hormones.
Sedentary lifestyles actually put more stress on the body, thus reducing the circulation of oxygen and nutrients. This slows the metabolism and increases fat storage.
This session explores why eating well and exercising is important. This doesn't have to mean spending hours in the gym, we look at ways we can have the benefits of good health without killing ourselves in the process.
Bite Size - 2.5 hours
Menopause Masterclass
This Masterclass is aimed at women with ovarian systems who want to know more about peri/menopause and post menopause. It will prepare you for the 'what next'. It will give you the tools you need to remain in control and better able to plan for your future wellbeing.
It will boost your confidence, increase your learning, keep your sanity, which will keep you firing on all cylinders. For the sake of you, your family and future career, this is not to be missed. You will thank me for this later, believe me!
The day will be informal, fun, interactive and non-threatening. The groups will be smaller with other like-minded ladies, we delve into the 3 stages of midlife.
This Masterclass will give an in-depth (and sometimes personal) look at our health and hormones and what to expect during these stages. It will also explore the symptoms, such as:
hot flushes, night sweats, aches & pains, weight gain, sleep, headaches and emotional & cognitive symptoms such as depression, anxiety and Imposter Syndrome and so much more!
We will also explore topics such as: skin, heart, bone and brain health. We will look at libido and vulvar health, bladder weakness and what we can do to combat some of these nasty symptom's early on, thus preventing them from taking over our lives.
Alternative and Complimentary Therapies and also Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) will also be discussed. This will enable you to become better informed about your choices and better able to advocate on your own behalf with knowledge and confidence.
This Masterclass will enable you to become empowered. You will leave with a much clearer understanding of what to consider. Ways of combating some of the symptoms you may experience and improved coping strategies and insights. You will be more able to deal with the demands of midlife, ready to meet the menopause head on!
Buckle up Ladies ;-)
This event offers non-alcoholic refreshments, lunch can be provided.
All day event, weekday or weekend availability, 10am-3.30 pm
Click Here for dates and costings.
Menopause Symptoms and Stress
In this session we look in a bit more depth at the symptoms of peri/menopause. Often, as hormones deplete, subtle signs can begin to make us feel uncomfortable. These are often mistaken for tiredness, sleep (or lack of) or sometimes stress.
This Information Session explores in a bit more depth how the symptoms creeping in can affect us, without us even realising!
Are you, or someone you know suffering from headaches, odd aches and pains, feeling more anxious than usual, wakened more than you're sleeping? Just poor sleep alone can lead to difficulty in everyday areas of our lives. Coping with and juggling the demands of kids along with caring duties, keeping house, as well as having to meet deadlines at work can be a nightmare!
A trillion things to think about, which builds anxiety and can be overwhelming, leading to potential burnout.
Preparation and planning for this stage is crucial and having support from partners, husbands, friends, colleagues and bosses can really make a difference too.
This session could be life - saving, relationship-saving and
career - saving.​ Take it from me, I wish I knew back then!
Employers - Help to keep sanity and serenity at work, and more importantly, support your female colleagues in their workplace and careers.
We can even come to your place of work and deliver to groups.
Bitesize- 2.5 hours.
Please contact to discuss group size and costings.