Information Sessions and Training For Employees and People Managers:
For Employees
From the late 30's into your 40's women may begin to experience physical symptoms, as well as changes to emotion and moods. This is a result of depleting estrogen affecting the chemicals in the brain. These symptoms, heading to the onset of menopause (peri-menopause) can be confusing and can begin up to 10 years before Menopause.
Having a greater understanding of what's going on in the body and brain chemistry is vital at this time to managing symptoms. We will explain what happens to the body, brain, heart and bone health. Cover the physical, mental, behavioural and social aspects in preparation for what to expect, which in turn will assist in increasing knowledge and help to plan for future wellbeing.
During Perimenopause women may fear:
- making mistakes, due to brain fog and tiredness
- being unable to speak up, often caused by anxiety
- their ability has lessened, often losing confidence and self-worth
- losing their jobs, sadly, due to the transition as they head towards menopause...
It is estimated that 900,000 women leave their jobs every year due to how they are feeling and their perceived inability to cope, which is compounded by the lack of support in the workplace. This can costs businesses millions of pounds per year. Often, highly skilled, qualified women can struggle to manage symptoms. They feel they are unable to express this and therefore, leave the career they worked hard to build. This is a crucial time to offer the right support, by enabling them to to share with colleagues, confide in Management to gain the help and support necessary to carry out their roles and continue on in their careers.
Understanding and support within Organisations is vital at this time!
We offer light- hearted, interactive Information Session/s and training for groups and workplaces to better understand the challenges women and those with an ovarian system face in the workplace. They covers what menopause is in a straightforward way.
​​​For People Managers
​Increasing knowledge and awareness is essential to support women and those with ovarian systems in the workplace. Prioritising employee wellbeing can in the long run save heartache, time and energy. Educating and informing leaders and managers to understand what menopause is, how it can affect an employee and how it can benefit business is key. This means having supportive conversations, offering reasonable adjustments, leading to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and not to mention reduced recruitment costs, as well as attracting and retaining talent.
A report in 2022 into menopause was published by the Women and Equalities Commission. Its' committee concluded that as well as learning, a Menopause Ambassador, Workplace Menopause Policy and a Menopause Leave Policy would be beneficial. Given that woman are now in work longer than ever before due to the increase in pension age and subsequently being encouraged to return in later years, it is essential with ever depleting hormones more than ever, to understand the impact.
The Equality Act 2010 does not specifically protect menopause, but it does protect employees from discrimination based on other characteristics that may be relevant to menopause, such as age, sex, disability, and gender reassignment:
If menopause symptoms have a substantial and long-term impact on a woman's ability to do normal activities, they could be considered a disability. If so, the employer must make reasonable adjustments and not discriminate against the employee.
Age and sex
Employees experiencing menopause symptoms may be protected from discrimination, harassment, and victimisation based on their age and sex.
​If menopause symptoms have a long term and substantial impact on a woman's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, they may be considered a disability.
Did You Know?
53 % of the workforce are typically women -those over 50
make up the fastest growing sector
​75% of women by the age of 40 are already experiencing symptoms
18% of the average workplace is menopausal
1 in 3 say they don't feel comfortable speaking to their Managers
Over half (53%) have been unable to go to work on at least one occasion
1 in 4 consider leaving due to symptoms
1 in 10 leave their role due to symptoms
Employment law is changing
The new Labour Government (July 2024) are introducing Menopause Action Plans for Businesses with over 250 employees. Deputy PM Angela Rayner said that “Employers will be required to submit their plans annually to the existing government portal used for gender pay gap reporting”. Creating a Menopause Action Plan for businesses is key to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment and is a great starting point to support menstrual health in your workplace.
In the sessions for Managers, we look at signs and symptoms of menopause to gain a clearer understanding of how best we can support female colleagues and what they might require from us as employers.
This session, tailored specifically for Managers, will cover all of the aspects above. As well as, workplace legislation, touch on the legal aspects, offer Case Studies and discuss the benefits of introducing a Menopause Policy and Menopause Action Plans to provide a duty of care. It will also take a look into tribunals, if required. According to MEG(UK), the number of tribunals that reference menopause has increased rapidly in the last 4 years. Sessions can be tailored to any audience, be it, all women, male colleagues/ groups (to increase awareness).
In fact, everyone can benefit.​
​Menopause Symptoms and Stress For Managers
In this session we look in a bit more depth at the symptoms of peri/menopause. Often, as hormones deplete, subtle signs can begin to make us feel uncomfortable. These are often mistaken for tiredness, sleep (or lack of) or sometimes cause stress.
Just poor sleep alone can lead to difficulty in everyday areas of our lives. Coping with and juggling the demands of kids along with caring duties, keeping house, as well as having to meet deadlines at work can be a nightmare!
A trillion things to think about, which builds anxiety and can be overwhelming, leading to potential burnout.
This Information Session explores in a bit more depth how the symptoms creeping in can affect us. Employers - Help to keep sanity and serenity at work, and more importantly, support your female colleagues in their workplace and careers.
This session could be life - saving, relationship-saving and
career - saving.​ Take it from me, I wish I knew back then​
​We also offer a Consultation Service (at an additional cost), whereby we can arrange an appointment to come along and discuss your requirements in relation to, perhaps reviewing your Menopause Policy, assist with putting an Action Plan in place or support your teams to in introduce a Workplace Menopause Champion.
We can assist you to increase workforce support, reduce sickness, absenteeism and retain experienced staff. This in turn, will improve morale and greatly benefit workplace culture.
Ask us how your workplace can become a Menopause Expert Groups(UK) -
Menopause Approved Workplace.
N.B. Consultation Service at additional cost, please contact us for further
information and costings.